Boat sandblasting

Boat Sand Blasting Anti Fouling Removal - Border Sandblasting

Border Sandblasting offers a perfect solution for the removal of anti fouling on your boat, its kind on the fibreglass removing only the anti fouling without compromising the gel coat.

Find out about our service and why we use a wet blasting system:

Most boat owners like to renew their anti fouling every four to five years, it comes around quickly and you want it to last as long as possible. As we all know a coating is only as good as the underlaying surface, that’s why the highly controllable nature of the wet blasting system we use is perfect for this application only lightly etching the gel coat leaving it clean and prepared, ready for a new coat.

It is to be expected that the process will expose any weaknesses in the gel coat such as blistering or voids allowing them to be filled prior to the re-application of the new coat. The abrasion level can be increased if necessary to perfectly profile any metal elements you may wish to include.

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Boat sandblasting before and after: